Join us in Oxford for an inspiring evening

Safia Minney MBE is delighted to announce that she will be guest speaker at Oxford University’s Wadham College for the Oxford Fairtrade Coalition AGM Monday 29 January 2018 6.30pm – 9pm. (share this via twitter here)

Safia will be talking about her experiences of founding a Fair Trade Fashion Company People Tree, author of several books including Slow Fashion and more recently Slave to Fashion, and her current role as Managing Director of an ethical shoe company Po-Zu.


She will be sharing the challenges she faces as she balances Fair Trade and sustainability principles with commercial reality. Book your free place here via eventbrite.

Why are Fair and Ethical Trade so important in today’s world? What does the future hold for Fair Traders? How do we encourage more people to commit to Fair Trade and change their behaviour as consumers?

Join us as guests of the OXFORD FAIR TRADE COALITION AGM

29 January 2018 . 6.30pm – 9pm
Wadham College
Okinaga Room
Parks Road
Free event
All welcome
Disabled access at venue
Book your free place here:

About Safia:

Safia Minney MBE, FRSA is Managing Director of award winning ethical shoe brand Po-Zu and Founder and Director of People Tree, the pioneering Fair Trade and sustainable fashion and lifestyle brand.

She developed the first organic and Fair Trade clothing supply chain and is recognised by the World Economic Forum as an Outstanding Social Entrepreneur.

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Oxford became a Fair Trade City in 2004. This means that the Fairtrade Foundation was satisfied that it had achieved the five criteria required to qualify as a Fairtrade Town (or City).

A local Fairtrade steering group is convened to ensure the Fairtrade Town campaign continues to develop and gain new support.

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