A guest in Vienna, with DariaDaria and the Clean Clothes Campaign
This week Safia visited Vienna, to speak at the beautiful arthouse cinema GartenbauKino in the heart of the Austrian city.
ENTUZIASM KinobetriebsGmbH have been organizing events since 2016, on different environmental issues, from Zero Waste to Minimalism, from Water to the Paris Climate Conference.
Safia was invited to speak at the screening of The True Cost Movie alongside the local writer Madeleine Alizadeh (dariadaria.com), Sabinna Rachimova and DI Gertrude Klaffenböck, MSc from the Clean Clothes Campaign Austria.
Such a wonderful event, in the entrance hall supporters were showing fair fashion, second hand, and there was a fabulous repair station – and so much enthusiasm and support for #wearfair and sustainability in the fashion industry.
Thank you so much for your hospitality and warmth Vienna.
And thank you too, for all of the support for @safia_minney and @slavetofash on instagram and to www.hotelstadthalle.at for your hospitality too.