Female Leaders – My Green Pod

Safia Minney MBE, founder of Fashion Declares and REAL Sustainability, on why female leadership is essential for a just transition, for My Green Pod. “Snapping at our heels, the dysfunctional, growth-driven, fossil-fuel dependent, misogynistic economy goes round and round like a scratched record.” READ HERE.
Regenerative Fashion Book Launch

Regenerative Fashion is part guide, part manifesto, sharing stories of our interconnectedness with the natural world and each other. It’s divided into sections on Nature & Materials, People, Livelihoods & Crafts and New Economy & Leadership. Full of lovely photographs – it features interviews from best-practice designers and businesses around the world. To keep us […]
Doughnut Design For Business

Delighted to see DEAL (Doughnut Economics Action Lab) team launch a Tool 191 for businesses. In the webinar below, Erinch Sahan, explains how it can be used to transform the design of your business. It’s designed as a 4-5 hour workshop and open-source and has been trialled across 300 organisations so far. It starts by […]

Power from the people: Safia Minney’s sustainable fashion mission We are delighted to announce that Safia Minney, founder of People Tree and the Fashion Declares movement, has been named Drapers Sustainable Fashion Champion in the Drapers Sustainable Fashion Awards 2022. The fashion industry’s efforts to become more sustainable were in danger of derailment during the […]
Zero Waste Sustainable Shopping – with Safia Minney, MBE Founder. People Tree adviser and author

Safia Minney writes: Have I ever told you about why I started Global Village in Japan when I was 26? People Tree grew out of Global Village, a voluntary group I set up to promote sustainable living – a topic that I have been revisiting recently in my new short film. Newly married, aged 26, […]
Ethical consumption can’t change the world, and we never thought it could on it’s own.

Why I’ve joined Extinction Rebellion Safia Minney I started People Tree nearly 30 years ago and whilst we make great clothes, foods, and crafts, which are high on social impact and low on environmental impact, it has never been enough. The company has helped to inspire other companies, policy-makers, and people generally to think about […]
Why Safia Minney is calling for SDG18 – to be added to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Safia Minney writes: “An additional Sustainable Development Goal: #SDG18, would recognise the power of communications, media, education, and activism to promote the existing 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).” View this post on Instagram A post shared by Safia Minney (@safia_minney) on Mar 20, 2019 at 11:25pm PDT The power of the advertising and […]
International Women’s Day 2019 – Today Women call for Equality & Democracy

Yes, I am a #GlobalFeminist – for the sake of Humankind Safia Minney writes: How many women are in the management team? How do you address women’s rights and inequality? Why are women in the lowest paid roles? What do they need to get into the higher paid roles? How do we stop undermining women […]
Austria, DariaDaria and the Clean Clothes Campaign

A guest in Vienna, with DariaDaria and the Clean Clothes Campaign This week Safia visited Vienna, to speak at the beautiful arthouse cinema GartenbauKino in the heart of the Austrian city. ENTUZIASM KinobetriebsGmbH have been organizing events since 2016, on different environmental issues, from Zero Waste to Minimalism, from Water to the Paris Climate Conference. Safia […]
2018 annual UK TOP100 corporate modern slavery influencers’ index rankings announced

Safia Minney, MBE, has been recognised as the #9 influencer in the inaugural 2018 Annual UK Top100 Corporate Modern Slavery Influencers’ Index. Index recognises individuals from all business sectors, third sector, media and academia who are influencers in raising awareness to end modern slavery and labour exploitation. The inaugural 2018 Annual UK Top100 Corporate Modern […]